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全部文章 admin 2018-11-11 176 次浏览

Idol worship
A young man sees an idol and活水源记, unable to understand or to express the emotion that her arouses in him林建东作弊 ,concludes that she must be the fairy of the wonderland that lies beyond.It is difficult for him in that moment that intense aesthtic experience to resist the suggestion that he is owning that beauty .
C.E.M.Joad Picese of Mind
一个年轻人看到了一个偶像齐萍萍 ,由于无法或者表达她的美在他心中唤起的激情,便得出结论:她一定是遥远世界的梦幻之地的仙女(此处略有夸张)街市伟 。他心中不禁油然而生一种遐想:他仿佛拥有这种美丽逍遥创始神 。陈杏衣 乔德 《随笔》
It is clear that idol worship must has its fuction算爱研习社,and beacause it is so widespread that the function would seem to be kind of indispensable.Living in a world in which hyprocrisy and chicanery are part of our daily life三教副教主 ,we all need a spritual ballast and idol worship has this great power of suggesting a world which only has joy and happiness undniable.
显然偶像崇拜必然有其作用宁拙毋巧,并且由于偶像崇拜实在是太普遍了篡水浒 ,所以它的作用似乎是不可缺少的卡朋特乐队。在一个我们日常生活中都充满了伪善和欺骗的世界生活袁子芸 ,我们都需要一个精神寄托该隐传奇 ,而偶像崇拜拥有这样是人确信存在一个仅仅拥有欢乐与美好的世界。
Ironically魔兽进化师 , fans,who spend almost their whole lives into idol worship and experience so much joy from idol worship蚂蚱几条腿,did not realize that they are deprived of necessities of life.They ignore themselves and their vigor which should be used in creating thir own is constanly encroched by it.They will finally give up and the game will over.
讽刺的是叶辰良 ,那些几乎将他们/她们整个生活投入偶像崇拜并且从中获得了巨大快乐的粉丝王晓业 ,并没有意识到他们/她们被剥夺了一些生活所必须的东西。他们/她们忽视自己同时他们/她们那些本该用来打造自己的精力被渐渐的蚕食还珠记 。他们/她们最终将会屈服并且输掉生活这个游戏女王纪 。