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全部文章 admin 2017-06-26 304 次浏览

A cozy home can unite family members; alivable home is where warmth comes from. Home decoration is necessitated by acomfortable home. But above all, tiles, as an essential furnishing materials,play a greater role.

The owner in this case is Ms.Wu Jiawei胭脂斩,a post-90 fashion talent living in a 100-year-old british mansion along the Shanghai Bund. Sweet New Home, a live-action home renovation Show of Beijing TV has made Ms. Wu's house their target.

由于家中有老人南弦月 ,在整个家装的瓷砖铺垫上,防滑性能十分重要。而业主吴女士在要求设计和实用性同时兼备的情况下,选择了爱力蒙特瓷砖。
Given that there are elderly people in this house, staff members of the show pay more attention to the anti-slip performance of the tiles. And that's why Ms Wu prefers Element which possesses both designability and practicality.

二楼客厅在瓷砖铺垫上采用了爱力蒙特的尼彩系列瓷砖谢水平 。客厅是一个家庭共同相处时间最多的空间,咖啡色的木纹砖铺垫,在灯光的折射下显得干净而柔和超级位面当铺。休闲时刻,与家人相互陪伴在这一方天地里聊天,温暖而美好。
Living room in the 2nd floor was applied with Nature series. Living room is where family members enjoy their wonderful time together. Once decorated with wood-grain brown tiles, the whole space would look cleaner and warmer. So it will be nice and great for family members to chat in such environment.

厨房空间爱恋千鸟 ,吴女士选择了元青花系列产品进行铺垫。厨房是烹饪的地方,地面有水和油容易造成地面的湿滑陈颂雄,因此对地面材料瓷砖的防滑性能一定要达到标准要求。
As for kitchen decoration铁列克提事件 , Ms Wu chose Blue and White series. The water and oil remained on the floor make the kitchen more slippery. Therefore, anti-slip performance of the tile must conform to the standard requirement.

采用元青花设计的防滑瓷砖进行厨房铺垫,简约又自然。现代与传统的碰撞杨智媛 ,青花瓷艺术与现代水泥质感的嵌入多利网,简约而舒适。
Kitchen applied with Blue and White series looks as simple as it is. The explosive combination of modern and traditional design coupled with the integration of blue and white porcelain art and cement craftsmanship gives rise to a feeling of simplicity and coziness.

除此之外,吴女士在卫生间、阳台等其它空间也选用了爱力蒙特的瓷砖进行铺垫,整体空间利落干净、通透明亮,庄雯如 幸福感满满。
Ms. Wu also applied Element's products in bathroom飞跃长生, balcony and other spaces. All these space look transparent, clear and bright.









(Host Liu Xiaoxi and Mr. Zhang ,
director of Commercial
Channel Dept.of Element)
At the end of the show于都人才网 , Mr. Zhang from Element took a photo with the host Liu Xiaoxi.

最后,爱力蒙特瓷砖十分荣幸能被吴女士一家选中。在未来,爱力蒙特会一如既往蒋定桂 ,为消费者带来更多更好的瓷砖产品。
Element is privileged to be trusted by Ms Wu and her family. In the days to come, Element will continue its commitment to offering high-quality tiles for consumers.