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全部文章 admin 2019-02-05 192 次浏览

例 句
Peter painted a pig on a piece of paper with a pen.
The boss brings a big blue bag.
My sister met her teacher two times in a town.
Did you dance with your dear dad涂壁哪里多 ?
The clever cat killed the mouse quickly.
The great guy got a bag of gifts.
Jennifer is forty five and she is fond of films and photos.
I love volleyball very much.
[摩登龙争虎斗 ?王真洁 ]
I am sure she has finished washing her shoes.
[廖智的故事 ?]
I usually watch television for pleasure.
Some ice creams look nice in this place.
It is amazing that you beat others and won the prize.
I think I should thank you for pulling the tooth out of my mouth.
They went there with their father and mother.
[t小孽小囍 ?女生伤感繁体字网名 ]
Chinese children are watching movies
with their teacher.
[d安贤珉 ?]
I just changed my jacket in this largeshop.
Trick or treat翁其钊! The kids are trying to get some gifts.
I drew a girl dressed in red in my dreams.
Most students took seats with their parents.
Jack sends some postcards to his friends.